Speaking and Workshops
Dr Martha is available for speaking engagements as well as running practical workshops. These focus on making sense of the psychological science behind a particular theme and offering actionable strategies that you can put in place right away either individually, as a family, or as a business. Dr Martha tailors her workshops to your specific needs by discussing this with you before planning and adapting workshop slides and resources so you can be confident that what she offers will align with your hopes and preferred outcomes.
Workshops usually run for 40 minutes with a 20 min practical Q&A at the end to deepen your understanding of the topic discussed.
Developing Resilience
Resilience is a capacity we can all develop that prepares us for life’s inevitable ups and downs and promotes positive adaptation to stressful situations. Resilience can be learned and strengthened and beginning to hone these skills in childhood is critical for developing capable, adaptive, healthy adults.
The concept of resilience and its importance
Environments that support resilience
Ways you can build resilience (for you and your child)
Real-life examples of how resilience works with emotions, relationships, and challenging life events
Overcoming Anxiety – Tips For Parents and Kids
A workshop to give you an understanding of Anxiety with actionable practical strategies you can put into place straight away.
What Anxiety is, signs and symptoms to look out for in your child and in you
The Bio-Psycho-Social Model of Anxiety
What we know helps to shrink Anxiety and what we know makes it grow
Evidence-based tools and practical strategies to overcome Anxiety’s tricks and tactics to help you and your child feel in control
Supporting Your Child Through ‘Meltdowns’ and ‘Tantrums’
A brief overview of emotional regulation with practical strategies to support you and your child in moments of emotional overwhelm.
Emotional regulation – what it is and why it matters
The difference between ‘misbehaviour’ and ‘behaviour as communication’
Supporting the brain-body connection in your child and what this looks like in practice
Evidence-based tools and practical strategies to shrink the Meltdowns and grow emotional regulation in your child
What to do when things do not go to plan and the power of Repair
Managing Conflict
This workshop can be tailored to focus on conflict in the work environment or on parent-child and sibling conflict. Similar themes will be discussed and these can be adapted depending on the desired focus.
How conflict arises in relationships and why it is important for it to exist
Challenging situations that can breed conflict
What effective communication looks like in practice
The Thomas Kilman Conflict model as a framework for change
Evidence-based strategies that support conflict resolution
Conflict resolution solutions and coping strategies
Back To School
This workshop can be tailored to primary or secondary school-aged children to support re-entry into school after holidays, a transition, or a change.
Preparation and what that looks like in practice (for you and your child)
Focusing on strengths and abilities to grow kids’ confidence
Tools and strategies to regulate emotions on the day (including worries and Anxiety)
Planning and protecting time after school to support children
What helps children open up to talking about things after school
Teaching Gratitude
A workshop to make sense of the concept of gratitude and how to support children in developing a daily practice that can serve as a life-long skill.
Understanding gratitude. What it is and what it is not
Emotional regulation and why it matters when we want to teach Gratitude
Evidence-based ideas to teach gratitude to children (and begin embodying it yourself)
3 ideas to cultivate a culture of gratitude in your home, school, or workplace